105Psalm 105CM
GIVE thanks to God, invoke His name,
   And tell the world His grace;
Sound through the earth His deeds of fame,
    That all may seek His face.
2  A seed will make the nations blest,
    The children of God’s choice;
And Canaan’s land shall be their rest,
    A type of heavenly joys.
3  The Lord Himself directs their way,
    And makes their journey right;
A leading cloud He gave by day,
    A guide of fire by night.
4  They thirst, and waters from the rock
    In rich abundance flow,
And following all the way they take,
    Run all the desert through.
5  O wondrous stream and precious type
    Of ever-flowing grace!
So Christ our Rock maintains our life
    Through all this wilderness.
6  So let the world forbear its rage,
    The church renounce her fear,
For she must live in every age
    Triumphant in God’s care.
Isaac Watts, 1674-1748