111 (2)Psalm 111 Version 2CM
WITH all my heart I’ll praise the Lord,
   Amid the ransomed throng;
Rejoice in all His works and Word,
    And worship Him in song.
2  His works surpass our highest thought,
    Worthy of God on high!
They speak of One Who may be sought:
    The God Who draws us nigh.
3  He showed His saints His works of old,
    That they should trust His care,
And see the promises unfold,
    And read their future there.
4  He is a God of saving ways,
    And of possessing love;
A God of mercy and of grace,
    Poured freely from above.
5  Fear of the Lord will move the heart
    To seek for wisdom’s way;
O Lord, in mercy now impart
    That fear to me this day.
6  Grant me a soul renewed and clean,
    An understanding mind,
A stronger faith with which to lean
    On all the Truth I find.
Evangelical Psalter

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