114Psalm 114CM
WHEN forth from Egypt’s trembling hand,
   The tribes of Israel sped,
And Jacob in that foreign land
    Triumphant ensigns spread . . .
2  The One, amidst their tent array,
    His royal dwelling made,
And all along their desert way
    His guiding power displayed.
3  The sea beheld, and moved to obey,
    She rolled her waters back;
And Jordan swift to make a way,
    Revealed their destined track.
4  What caused thee, O thou mighty sea,
    Why moved thy waves in dread?
What bade thy tide, O Jordan, flee,
    To bare thy river bed?
5  O earth, before the God of grace,
    Be moved and tremble still;
He makes the waste a watered place,
    The rocks, a gushing rill.
6  O Lord, amidst our churches stand,
    Thy royal presence show;
And all along this desert land
    Thy guiding presence go.
George Burgess, 1809-66‡