119 (17)Psalm 119 Part 17
(verses 161-168)
THEY hate me, Lord, without a cause,
   Because I fear my God;
They hate to see me love Thy laws,
    And reverence Thy blest Word.
2  Lord, when my spirit takes its fill
    Of some good word of Thine,
No mighty men that share the spoil
    Have joy compared to mine.
3  Hour after hour I lift my prayers,
    And pay my thanks to Thee,
For Thy great hand o’er my affairs,
    And kindness, Lord, to me.
4  Great is their peace who love Thy law,
    How firm their souls abide!
Nor shall a great temptation draw
    Their strengthened hearts aside.
5  O Lord, I long, I hope, I wait,
    For Thine appearing still;
Thy Word is ever my delight,
    And to obey Thy will!
Isaac Watts, 1674-1748‡