120 (2)Psalm 120 Version 2
(from v 5)
7 7. 7 7
JESUS! how my heart is pained,
   How it mourns for souls deceived,
When I hear Thy name profaned,
    When I see Thy Spirit grieved!
2  Mourning thus I long had been,
    When I heard my Saviour’s voice,
‘You have cause to mourn for sin,
    But in Me you must rejoice!’
3  This kind word dispelled my grief,
    Put to silence my complaints,
Though of sinners I am chief,
    He has ranked me with His saints.
4  Though constrained to dwell awhile
    Where the wicked strive and brawl,
Let them rage, but He will smile;
    Heaven will make amends for all.
5  Let us, then, the fight endure,
    See our Saviour looking down,
He will make the conquest sure,
    And bestow the promised crown.
John Newton, 1725-1807