132Psalm 132LM
WHERE shall we go to seek and find
   The habitation of our God?
The dwelling of the eternal mind
    Among the sons of flesh and blood?
2  God, our Creator, chose the hill
    Of Zion for His ancient rest,
He keeps His earthly dwelling still:
    The church is with His presence blest.
3  Here has He fixed His gracious throne,
    To reign in every age as Lord;
Here is His power and love made known,
    Through the unfolding of His Word.
4  Here will He meet the hungry poor,
    To fill their souls with living bread;
And all who wait before this door,
    With sweet provisions shall be fed.
5  People unable to contain
    Their inward joys shall loudly sing;
The promised Saviour here shall reign,
    And Zion triumph in her King.
6  Jesus shall see a numerous seed
    Born to uphold His glorious name;
His crown shall flourish on His head
    While all His foes are clothed with shame.
Isaac Watts, 1674-1748‡