21Psalm 21LM
WHEN pain and weakness bowed His head,
   Our loving Saviour, glorious King,
Numbered Himself among the dead,
    Taking the weight of all our sin.
2  Jesus was given His heart’s desires,
    To bring salvation-blessings down;
Now raised above, all Heaven admires
    His well-deserved eternal crown.
3  A life of everlasting years,
    Through which His saving glories shine,
Repays Him for His groans and tears,
    And fills His soul with joy divine.
4  O coming Judge and sovereign Lord,
    No foe shall stand, no hate endure,
No sin shall spoil the coming world
    When purging fire has made it pure.
5  All human schemes to end Thy cause,
    Undo Thy Word, eclipse Thy name,
Thy throne usurp and spurn Thy laws,
    Must fall to that devouring flame!
6  Be Thou exalted, King of kings,
    In Thine own strength to reign on high!
While every saint rejoicing sings,
    And longs to share the triumph nigh.
Evangelical Psalter

© The Wakeman Trust