24 (1)Psalm 24 Version 1CM
THE spacious earth is all the Lord’s
   And all that dwell therein;
He raised the lands above the seas,
    Their history to begin.
2  But there’s a better world on high—
    The palace of the Lord;
Who shall ascend the sacred hill
    To dwell so near to God?
3  They who, with pardoning love endowed,
    Whose hearts and hands are clean,
Shall have the blessing of the Lord,
    Salvation from their sin.
4  God’s saints are they, His special race,
    Who seek the blissful sight
Of their Redeemer’s lovely face
    In everlasting light.
5  Raised from the dead in power and might
    Our Lord has gone before,
To lift for us, the saints He loved,
    Heaven’s everlasting door.
Evangelical Psalter

© The Wakeman Trust