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SWEET the moments, rich in blessing,
   Which before the cross I spend,
Life, and health, and peace possessing
    From the sinner’s dying Friend!
2  Here I rest, in wonder viewing
    All my sins on Jesus laid,
And a full redemption flowing
    From the sacrifice He made.
3  Here I find my hope of Heaven,
    While upon the Lamb I gaze;
Loving much, and much forgiven,
    Let my heart o’erflow in praise.
4  Love and grief my heart dividing,
    With my tears His feet I’ll bathe;
Constant still in faith abiding—
    Life deriving from His death.
5  Lord, in ceaseless contemplation
    Fix my thankful heart on Thee!
Till I taste Thy full salvation,
    And Thine unveiled glory see.
William Walter Shirley, 1725-86