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    GOD is gone up on high
   With a triumphant noise;
    The clarions of the sky
        Proclaim the angelic joys!
Join all on earth, rejoice and sing,
Glory ascribe to glory’s King.
2      All power to our great Lord
        Is by the Father given;
    By angel hosts adored,
        He reigns supreme in Heaven:
3      High on His holy seat
        He bears the righteous sway;
    His foes beneath His feet
        Shall sink and die away:
4      His foes and ours are one,
        Satan, the world, and sin:
    But He shall tread them down,
        And bring His kingdom in:
5      Till all the earth, renewed
        In righteousness divine,
    With all the hosts of God
        In one great chorus join.
Charles Wesley, 1707-88