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    REJOICE, the Saviour reigns
    Among the sons of men;
    He breaks the prisoner’s chains,
        And makes them free again;
Though hell oppose God’s mighty Son,
In spite of foes His cause goes on.
2      The cause of righteousness,
        Of Truth and holy peace,
    Designed lost souls to bless,
        Shall spread and never cease;
Gentile and Jew to Christ shall bow,
Allegiance due—with rapture—vow.
3      The thwarted prince of hell
        In vain new efforts tries,
    Truth’s empire to repel
        By cruelty and lies;
The infernal hosts shall strive in vain,
Conquest awaits the Lamb once slain.
4      All power is in His hand,
        His people to defend;
    To His most high command
        Shall millions more attend:
All Heaven with smiles approves His cause,
And distant isles receive His laws.
John Ryland, 1753-1825