30 (2)Psalm 30 Version 2CM
I WILL extol Thee, Lord, my God,
   My life is raised on high;
My soul is healed by Jesus’ blood,
    And I shall never die.
2  My heart in grateful praise shall sing,
    Remembering that blest hour,
When nights of sorrow over sin
    Gave way to life and power.
3  Though for a while Thine anger warned
    Of hell and judgement due,
Soon pardon, joy and favour dawned,
    And all my life was new.
4  Should I again grow confident
    In what I am, and do,
My Lord shall over me repent,
    And hide His face from view.
5  Prevent it, Lord, O keep me near,
    Lest I should worthless prove;
Cause me to walk in humble fear,
    With songs of thankful love.
Evangelical Psalter

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