*Bethesdsa’s Pool, John 5:2
    BESIDE the Gospel pool,*
   Appointed for the poor,
Has many a helpless, seeking soul
    Come hoping for a cure.
2      How often have we seen
    The healing waters move,
And needy sinners stepping in,
    Converting kindness prove.
3      But some unsaved remain,
    They feel the very same,
As full of guilt, and doubt, and pain,
    As when at first they came.
4      And often some have thought,
    ‘Why should I longer lie?
Surely the mercy I have sought
    Is not for such as I?’
5      But where else can they go?
    There is no other pool
Where streams of love and mercy flow
    To make a sinner whole.
6      O bless them here today,
    In trust may they apply;
O Saviour, hear lost sinners pray,
    Nor suffer them to die.
John Newton, 1725-1807