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‘SINNERS Jesus will receive’;
   Say this word of grace to all
Who the heavenly pathway leave,
    All who linger, all who fall;
This can bring them back again,
‘Christ receiveth sinful men.’
2  Sick, and sorrowful, and blind,
    I, with all my sins, draw nigh;
O my Saviour, Thou canst find
    Help for sinners such as I;
Speak that word of love again,
‘Christ receiveth sinful men.’
3  Now my soul is comforted,
    For Thy blood has washed away
All my sins, though crimson-red;
    And I stand in white array,
Purged from every spot and stain;
‘Christ receiveth sinful men.’
4  ‘Christ receiveth sinful men’:
    Even me, with all my sin;
Opens Heaven to me again;
    With Him I may enter in:
Death has no more sting nor pain;
‘Christ receiveth sinful men.’
Erdmann Neumeister, 1671-1756,
tr Emma Frances Bevan, 1827-1909