38 (1)Psalm 38 Version 1CM
REBUKE me not in anger, Lord,
    O chasten me no more,
For peace and health have left my soul,
    And shame makes conscience sore.
2  I pant and groan for sense of Thee,
    I long to see Thy light;
My dearest friends seem far away,
    The bonds of kinship slight.
3  I live as one who cannot hear,
    Or speak, or sense, or know
The glorious kindness of my God,
    Nor of His saints below.
4  Thus broken-hearted I draw near,
    And all excuses fall;
Now deep, abiding sorrow reigns;
    O Saviour, hear my call!
5  I will be sorry for my sin,
    And all Thy will obey;
Forsake me not, but draw me near;
    In mercy bless today.
Evangelical Psalter

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