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THOU God of glorious majesty,
   To Thee, O Judge of all, to Thee,
    A worm of earth, I cry;
A wandering, foolish child of man,
An heir of endless bliss or pain,
    A sinner born to die!
2  Here on a narrow neck of land,
’Twixt two unbounded seas I stand,
    Yet so insensible!
A point of time, a moment’s space,
Removes me to that heavenly place,
    Or shuts me up in hell.
3  O God, mine inmost soul convert,
And deeply on my thoughtful heart
    Eternal things impress;
Give me to feel their solemn weight,
And tremble on the brink of fate,
    And wake to righteousness.
4  Be this my one great business here,
With serious industry and fear,
    Eternal bliss to ensure;
Thy pardoning love on me bestow,
That I may find Thee here below,
    And to the end endure.
5  Then, Saviour, then my soul receive,
Transported from this earth to live
    And reign with Thee above;
Where faith is sweetly lost in sight,
And hope in full supreme delight,
    And everlasting love.
Charles Wesley, 1707-88