JESUS, commissioned from above,
   Descends to us below,
And shows from Whom the springs of love
    In endless mercy flow.
2  He, Whom the boundless Heaven adores,
    Whom angels long to see,
Departed from those blissful shores,
    Ambassador to me!
3  To me, who never sought His grace,
    Who mocked His sacred Word:
Who never knew or loved His face,
    But all His will abhorred.
4  To me, who could not even praise
    When His kind heart I knew,
But sought a thousand devious ways
    Rather than find the true.
5  Yet this redeeming Saviour came
    So vile a worm to bless;
And took with gladness all my blame,
    And gave His righteousness.
6  O, that my listless heart might glow
    With ardour all divine!
And, for more love than seraphs know,
    Like burning seraphs shine!
Ambrose Serle, 1742-1812