WE praise and bless Thee, gracious Lord,
   Our Saviour, kind and true,
For all the old things passed away,
    For all Thou hast made new.
2  New hopes, new purposes, desires,
    And joys Thy grace has given;
Old ties are broken from the earth,
    New ties attach to Heaven.
3  But yet, how much must be destroyed,
    How much renewed must be,
Ere we can fully stand complete
    In likeness, Lord, to Thee!
4  Thou, only Thou, must carry on
    The work Thou hast begun;
Of Thine own strength Thou must impart
    In Thine own ways to run.
5  O leave us not; from day to day
    Revive, restore again;
Our feeble steps do Thou direct,
    Our enemies restrain.
6  So shall we faultless stand at last
    Before Thy Father’s throne;
The blessedness for ever ours,
    The glory all Thine own!
Carl Johann Philipp Spitta, 1801-59,
tr Jane Laurie Borthwick, 1813-97