49 (1)Psalm 49 Version 1LM
HUMBLE us, Lord, before Thy Word,
   All needy souls alike to Thee;
As gracious wisdom now is heard,
    Impress our minds to hear and see.
2  Quell our vain trust in rank and wealth,
    Our moral helplessness lay bare;
For who can buy a place in Heaven,
    Or give a ransom to be there?
3  How costly is the soul’s release
    From death’s eternal agony!
A price that none can pay, but One
    Who came and died to set us free.
4  The foolish and the wise alike,
    Must forfeit all they hold so dear;
And, though they sweep aside the thought,
    Submit to death’s decisive hour.
5  O bless us now, lest we should spurn
    The light of grace, the saving Word;
And through self-adulation go,
    Stripped of all good, to meet our God.
6  Lord, stir our souls, lest we should be
    Judged with the lost when death shall fall;
O may we taste converting grace,
    And hear and love the Gospel call.
Evangelical Psalter

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