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OMNIPOTENT Lord, my Saviour and King,
   Thy succour afford, Thy righteousness bring:
Thy promises bind Thee compassion to have;
O, now let me find Thee almighty to save.
2  Rejoicing in hope, and patient in grief,
To Thee I look up for certain relief;
I shall be supported, no danger I’ll fear,
Nor shrink from the trial, while Thou, Lord, art near.
3  Yes, God is above men, devils, and sin,
My Saviour’s great love the battle shall win;
So awesome and glorious His coming shall be,
His love all-victorious shall conquer for me.
4  He all shall break through; His Truth and His grace
Shall bring me into the plentiful place,
Through much tribulation, through water and fire,
Through floods of temptation and flames of desire.
5  On Jesus, my power, till then I rely,
All evil before His presence shall fly;
When I have my Saviour, my sin shall depart,
And Jesus for ever shall reign in my heart.
Charles Wesley, 1707-88