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CLOUDS and darkness round about Thee
   For a season veil Thy face,
Still I trust, and cannot doubt Thee,
    Jesus full of truth and grace;
Resting on Thy words I stand,
None shall pluck me from Thy hand.
2  O rebuke me not in anger!
    Suffer not my faith to fail!
Let not pain, temptation, langour,
    O’er my struggling heart prevail!
Holding fast Thy Word I stand,
None shall pluck me from Thy hand.
3  In my heart Thy words I cherish,
    Though unseen Thou still art near;
Since Thy sheep shall never perish,
    Why should I succumb to fear?
Trusting in Thy Word I stand,
None shall pluck me from Thy hand.
Charlotte Elliott, 1789-1871