5Psalm 5CM
LORD, in the morning Thou shalt hear
    My voice ascending high;
To Thee will I direct my prayer,
    To Thee lift up mine eye . . .
2  Up to the place where Christ is gone,
    My advocate on high,
Presenting at the Father’s throne,
    Each song, and every sigh.
3  O holy Lord, before Whose sight
    No evil ways shall stand,
Who has in sinners no delight,
    Nor place at Thy right hand . . .
4  To this Thy house will I resort,
    To taste Thy mercies here;
I’ll pray within Thy holy court,
    And worship and revere.
5  O may Thy Spirit guide my feet
    In ways of righteousness;
Make every path of duty straight
    And plain before my face.
6  All they that love and trust Thy name
    Shall see their hopes fulfilled;
For Thou, O Lord, wilt compass them
    With favour as a shield.
Isaac Watts, 1674-1748‡