O LORD, I would delight in Thee,
   And on Thy care depend;
To Thee in every trouble flee,
    My best, my only Friend.
2  When all created streams are dried,
    Thy fulness is the same;
May I with this be satisfied,
    And glory in Thy name!
3  O that I had a stronger faith,
    To look within the veil;
To credit what my Saviour saith,
    Whose word can never fail!
4  He Who has made my Heaven secure,
    Will here all good provide;
While Christ is rich, can I be poor?
    What can I want beside?
5  O Lord! I cast my care on Thee,
    I triumph and adore:
Henceforth my great concern shall be
    To love and please Thee more.
John Ryland, 1753-1825