576Romans 8:35-39LM
WHO shall condemn to endless flames
   The chosen people of our God,
Since in the book of life their names
    Are written out in Jesus’ blood?
2  He, for the sins of His elect,
    Has a complete atonement made;
And justice never shall expect
    That the same debt should twice be paid.
3  Shall tribulation or distress,
    Or famine, peril, or the sword,
Or persecution, nakedness,
    Separate us from Christ the Lord?
4  Not death, nor life, nor height, nor depth,
    Nor powers below, nor powers above,
Nor present things, nor things to come,
    Shall change His purposes of love.
5  His sovereign mercy knows no end,
    His faithfulness shall still endure;
And those who on His Word depend
    Shall find His Word for ever sure.
Benjamin Beddome, 1717-95