NOW let our souls on wings sublime
   Rise from the vanities of time,
Draw back the parting veil, and see
The glories of eternity.
2  Twice born by a celestial birth,
Why should we grovel here on earth?
Why grasp at this world’s passing toys,
When we have Heaven’s eternal joys?
3  Shall we be side-tracked on the road,
When we are travelling back to God?
From exile—into life we come!
And dying is but going home.
4  Welcome, sweet hour of full discharge,
That sets our longing soul at large,
Unbinds our chains, breaks up our cell,
And gives us with our God to dwell.
5  To dwell with God, to feel His love,
Is the full Heaven enjoyed above;
And this sweet expectation now
Is our sweet earnest here below.
Thomas Gibbons, 1720-85