624Hebrews 11:13-168 8. 8 8. 8 8
LEADER of faithful souls, and Guide
    Of all who travel to the sky,
Come, and with us, e’en us abide,
    Who would on Thee alone rely;
On Thee alone our spirits stay,
While held in life’s uneven way.
2  Strangers and pilgrims here below,
    This earth, we know, is not our place;
We hasten through this vale of woe,
    And, restless to behold Thy face,
Swift to our heavenly country move,
Our everlasting home above.
3  We’ve no abiding city here,
    But seek a city out of sight;
Thither our steady course we steer,
    Aspiring to the plains of light,
Jerusalem, the saints’ abode,
Whose founder is the living God.
4  Raised by the breath of love divine,
    We tread the way the saints have trod;
The Church of the first-born to join,
    We travel to the mount of God;
With joy upon our heads, arise
And meet our Captain in the skies.
Charles Wesley, 1707-88