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   My song and city is,
My home whene’er I die,
    The centre of my bliss:
        O happy place!
            When shall I be,
            My God, with Thee,
        And see Thy face?
2  There dwells my Lord, my King,
    Judged here unfit to live;
There angels to Him sing,
    And lowly homage give.
3  The patriarchs of old,
    There from their travels cease;
The prophets there behold,
    Their longed-for Prince of Peace.
4  The faithful martyrs, they
    Within those courts are found,
Clothed in their pure array,
    Their scars with glory crowned.
5  Sweet place, sweet place alone,
    The Court of God Most High,
The Heaven of heavens, the throne
    Of spotless majesty!
Samuel Crossman, 1624-83