JERUSALEM, my happy home,
   Name ever dear to me,
When shall my labours have an end,
    In joy, and peace, and thee?
2  When shall these eyes those Heaven-built walls
    And pearly gates behold,
Those bulwarks with salvation strong,
    And streets of shining gold?
3  O when, great city of my God,
    Shall I thy courts ascend,
Where congregations ne’er disperse,
    And sabbaths have no end?
4  Why should I shrink at pain and woe,
    Or feel at death dismay?
I’ve Canaan’s goodly land in view,
    And realms of endless day.
5  Apostles, martyrs, prophets, there
    Around my Saviour stand;
And soon my friends in Christ below
    Will join the glorious band.
6  Jerusalem, my happy home!
    My soul still longs for thee;
Then shall my labours have an end,
    When I those joys shall see.
Joseph Bromehead, 1748-1826