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LORD, from Whom all blessings flow,
    Perfecting the church below,
Steadfast, may we cleave to Thee,
    Love the powerful union be;
Bind our willing spirits, join
    Each to each, and all to Thine,
Lead us into paths of peace,
    Harmony and holiness.
2  Move and actuate and guide;
    Various gifts to each divide;
Placed according to Thy will
    Let us all our work fulfil;
Never from our service move,
    Needful to each other prove;
Use the grace on each bestowed
    Fashioned by the hand of God.
3  Sweetly may we all agree,
    Touched with truest sympathy;
Prove there’s neither bond nor free,
    Great nor servile, Lord, in Thee;
Kindred love has all destroyed,
    Rendered all distinctions void,
Races, cliques, and classes fall,
    Thou, O Christ, art All-in-All.
Charles Wesley, 1707-88