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    O PRAISE our God today:
   Come, let us haste to pay
Due thanks and homage to our King.
    Bid every power awake,
    And cheerful music make,
While grateful hearts their tributes bring.
2      O, praise our God today:
    All who have served Him say
How kind and good are all His ways.
    He is a Friend in need,
    He is a Friend indeed;
Come, now, your grateful worship raise.
3      O, praise our God today:
    Let children all obey,
And, as of old, Hosannas sing;
    The Saviour now, as then,
    Will surely listen when
With earnest praise their voices ring.
4      O, praise our God today:
    Nor till tomorrow stay,
For hours and days are passing fast;
    This evening’s setting sun
    May find our work undone,
And tell us that our day is past.
5      O, praise our God today:
    Our loved ones gone away
Now sing in yonder world of light;
    Come, join the heavenly song,
    Come, join the ransomed throng
Who praise Him ceaseless day and night.
Robert Walmsley, 1831-1905