69 (2)Psalm 69 Version 2CM
COME, let us join with reverent fear
   And thoughtful hearts to sing
The sufferings of our great High Priest,
    The sorrows of our King.
2  He sinks in floods of deep distress;
    How high His trials rise!
While to His heavenly Father’s ear
    He sends those touching cries.
3  They tread His honour in the dust,
    With scorn and deep disdain;
Their sharp, incessant slanders add
    New anguish to His pain.
4  The fearful stroke for mortal sin,
    The scandal and the shame,
Combine to break His bleeding heart,
    And crush His sacred frame.
5  Our Lord and Saviour rose again
    To His eternal throne;
From triumph over death’s domain,
    To reign in worlds unknown.
Isaac Watts, 1674-1748‡