70 (1)Psalm 70 Version 1LM
COME, O our God, our souls to bless,
   Be our Deliverer, Lord and Friend,
Hear every one in deep distress,
    Pardon, relief and comfort send.
2  Come, when we call on Thee to save,
    For time is short, and death is nigh;
Lest, in our sin, we reach the grave,
    And with the lost for ever lie.
3  Come, though our trust and faith be low,
    And some oppose our seeking Thee,
Come in Thy mercy, be not slow,
    Forgive our sin and set us free.
4  Then shall we bring our heartfelt praise;
    Thy matchless kindness magnify;
Marvel at all Thy gracious ways,
    And know we have a Friend on high.
Evangelical Psalter

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