72 (3)Psalm 72 Version 37 7. 7 7
HASTEN, Lord, the glorious time,
   When, beneath Messiah’s sway,
Every nation, every clime,
    Shall Thy majesty obey.
2  Then shall wars and tumults cease,
    Then be banished grief and pain;
Righteousness, and joy, and peace,
    Undisturbed shall ever reign.
3  As when soft and gentle showers
    Fall upon the thirsty plain,
Springing grass and smiling flowers
    Clothe the wilderness again . . .
4  So Thy Spirit shall descend,
    Softening every stony heart,
And His sweetest influence lend,
    All that’s lovely to impart.
5  Time shall sun and moon obscure,
    Seas be dried, and rocks be riven,
But His reign shall still endure,
    Endless as the days of Heaven.
6  Bless we, then, our gracious Lord,
    Ever praise His glorious name,
All His mighty acts record,
    All His wondrous love proclaim.
Harriet Auber, 1773-1862