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O GOD, Who didst from Adam’s side
   Fashion an help meet for his bride,
Flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone,
That both might feel and love as one!
Make these Thy servants one in heart;
Whom Thou hast joined let no man part.
2  O Thou Who once, a guest divine,
Didst turn the water into wine!
Thy gracious presence now afford;
Meet all their needs, and bless them, Lord;
And while each heart Thy Word obeys,
May all their joy be turned to praise.
3  O let Thy love their model be,
As they together live for Thee;
Spirit of grace and holiness,
Come, and this union now possess;
Keep Thou in love and purity
Thy faithful servants, honouring Thee.
Josiah Conder, 1789-1855‡