84 (4)Psalm 84 Version 4CM
HOW lovely are Thy dwellings fair,
   O Lord of hosts, how dear!
How precious is the house of prayer
    Where Thou art felt so near.
2  How happy they who thus reside
    In this Thy house of praise;
They who for strength in Thee abide,
    And greatly love Thy ways.
3  They pass the sad and thirsty vale
    Of this world’s barren ground
As though it were a fruitful dale
    Where springs and showers abound.
4  They journey on from strength to strength,
    With joy and grateful cheer,
Till all before our God at length
    In Zion shall appear.
5  For God the Lord, our sun and shield,
    Gives grace and glory bright;
No good from them shall be withheld
    Whose ways, with Him, are right.
John Milton, 1608-74‡