87 (1)Psalm 87 Version 1LM
GOD in His earthly kingdom lays
   Foundations for His heavenly praise;
Each of His saints He loves so well,
Yet in His church He loves to dwell.
2  Truly in each believing home,
The presence of the Lord is known,
But He prolongs with power His stay,
Where churches meet to praise and pray.
3  What glories are described of old!
What wonders are of Zion told!
The glories of the church below
Did the surrounding nations know.
4  Zion, where life anew is found
By people all the world around,
Here is the place of power and love,
Lifting our souls to God above.
5  When God reveals the last account
Of citizens of Zion’s mount,
O may we on that day appear
Among those born and nourished there!
Isaac Watts, 1674-1748‡