99Psalm 99SM
    REVERE the Lord as King,
    His name, exalted, own,
Observe His righteousness and power
    And worship at His throne.
2      Revere the God of right,
    Whose justice shall hold sway,
To judge the thoughts and ways of all
    In that great coming Day.
3      Revere the God of love,
    Whose mercy is so kind,
That they who call upon His name,
    A pardoning welcome find.
4      Revere the Saviour God,
    Who saves and guides His own;
Preparing them in holiness
    To live around His throne.
5      We worship Thee, O Lord,
    And ask Thy help and power,
That we may worthily revere
    And love Thee in this hour.
Evangelical Psalter

© The Wakeman Trust