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Psalm 149 Version 1
O PRAISE ye the Lord
   With heart and with voice;
His mercies record,
    And round Him rejoice.
O children of Zion,
    Your Saviour adore!
And learn to rely on
    His grace evermore.
2  Repose on His arm,
    Ye sheep of His fold;
What terror can harm
    With Him to uphold?
His saints are His treasure,
    Their peace will He seek;
And pour without measure
    His gifts on the meek.
3  Go on in His might,
    All saints of the Lord;
His Word be your light,
    His promise your sword.
The King of salvation
    His foes will subdue;
And their degradation
    Bring glory to you.
Henry Francis Lyte, 1793-1847