Hymns by Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847) |
Abide with me: fast falls the eventide (10 10. 10 10) |
Believers, like their Lord of old (LM) |
Far from my heavenly home (SM) |
Gently, gently lay Thy rod (7 7. 7 7) |
God of mercy, God of grace (7 7. 7 7. 7 7) |
Hear, O Lord, our supplication (8 7. 8 7) |
In vain the powers of darkness try (CM) |
Jesus, I my cross have taken (8 7. 8 7. D) |
Lord God of my salvation (7 6. 7 6. D) |
Lord, I would stand with thoughtful eye (CM) |
My rest is in Heaven, my rest is not here (11 11. 11 11) |
O praise the Lord, ’tis good to raise (LM) |
O praise ye the Lord (5 5. 5 5. 6 5. 6 5) |
Praise, Lord, for Thee, in Zion waits (LM) |
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven (8 7. 8 7. 4 7) |
Redeemed from guilt, redeemed from fears (LM) |
Stranger and pilgrim here below (LM) |
The good I have is from Christ’s stores supplied (10 10. 10 10. 10 10) |
There is a safe and secret place (CM) |
Thy promise, Lord, is perfect peace (LM) |
Unto Thee I lift my eyes (7 7. 7 7) |
Welcome, sweet day of rest (SM) |
Whom should we love like Thee (6 6. 6 6. 8 8) |