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HOLY Spirit! pity me,
   Pierced with grief for grieving Thee;
Present, though from sense apart,
Listen to a grieving heart.
2  Sins unnumbered I confess,
Of exceeding sinfulness;
Sins against Thyself alone,
Only to Omniscience known:
3  Deafness to Thy whispered calls,
Rashness ’midst remembered falls,
Transient fears beneath Thy rod,
Treacherous trifling with my God.
4  Tasting that the Lord is good,
Pining then for poisoned food;
At the fountains of the skies
Craving creaturely supplies.
5  Worldly cares at worship time;
Faithless aims in works sublime;
Pride, when God is passing by;
Sloth, when souls in darkness die.
6  O how lightly have I slept
With my daily wrongs unwept,
Sought Thy chidings to defer,
Shunned the wounded Comforter.
7  Still Thy comforts do not fail,
Still Thy healing helps avail;
Patient Inmate of my breast,
Thou art grieved, yet I am blest.
8  O be merciful to me,
Now in longing, Lord, for Thee!
Father, pardon through Thy Son
Sins against the Spirit done!
William Bunting, 1805-66