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Hymns with metre 7 7. 7 7
All the nations, praise the Lord (James Montgomery)
Blessèd are the sons of God (Joseph Humphreys)
Bright and joyful is the morn (James Montgomery)
‘Christ the Lord is risen today!’ (Charles Wesley)
Come, my soul, your plea prepare (John Newton)
Dust to dust each mortal dies (The Psalter)
For a season called to part (John Newton)
For Thy mercy and Thy grace (Henry Downton)
Gently, gently lay Thy rod (Henry Francis Lyte)
Glorious is the Lord Most High (Charles Wesley)
God of love, that hearest prayer (Charles Wesley)
God of mercy, hear our prayer (Thomas Hastings)
Hail the day that sees Him rise, (Charles Wesley)
Hark, my soul! it is the Lord (William Cowper)
Hasten, Lord, the glorious time (Harriet Auber)
Heavenly Father! to Whose eye ( Josiah Conder)
Holy Spirit, from on high (William Hiley Bathurst)
Holy Spirit! pity me (William Bunting)
I am hated, Lord, by those (William Allen)
Jesus, all-atoning Lamb (Charles Wesley)
Jesus! how my heart is pained (John Newton)
Jesus, Lord, we look to Thee (Charles Wesley)
Jesus, with Thy church abide (Thomas Benson Pollock)
Lord, I cannot let Thee go (John Newton)
Lord, if Thou Thy grace impart (Charles Wesley)
Lord my God, I trust in Thee (Evangelical Psalter)
Lord, my Rock, to Thee I prayed (Evangelical Psalter)
Lord, my times are in Thy hand ( Josiah Conder)
Now may He, Who from the dead (John Newton)
O give thanks unto the Lord (Joseph Irons)
Plead my cause, O Lord, I pray (Joseph Irons)
Praise, O praise our God and King (Henry Williams Baker)
Sing the theme of Jesus’ love (Albert Midlane)
Songs of praise the angels sang (James Montgomery)
Sovereign Ruler of the skies! (John Ryland)
Take my life, and let it be (Frances Ridley Havergal)
To Thy temple I repair (James Montgomery)
Unto Thee I lift my eyes (Henry Francis Lyte)
Vain and futile are the thoughts (Evangelical Psalter)
Well we speak of Jesus’ blood (Joseph Hart)
When the Saviour dwelt below (John Ryland)
Who are these arrayed in white (Charles Wesley)