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1 (1) How blest are they who turn to God (Evangelical Psalter)CM
1 (2)     I once despised and scorned the name (Evangelical Psalter)CM
2 (1)   Though sinners boldly join (William Goode)6 6. 6 6. 4 4. 4 4
2 (2) O wherefore do the nations rage (The Psalter)LM
3 Thy promise, Lord, is perfect peace (Henry Francis Lyte)LM
4 (1) O God of righteousness (Charles Wesley)DSM
4 (2) Let all now stand in awe (Charles Wesley)DSM
5 Lord, in the morning Thou shalt hear (Isaac Watts)CM
6 Gently, gently lay Thy rod (Henry Francis Lyte)7 7. 7 7
7 Lord my God, I trust in Thee (Evangelical Psalter)7 7. 7 7
8     O Lord, our Lord, how high, how great (Isaac Watts)CM
9   Sing to the Lord, Who here proclaims (Philip Doddridge)LM
10   Lord, when evil times hold sway (Evangelical Psalter)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
11   In the Lord I’ve put my trust (Evangelical Psalter)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
12   Lord, when iniquities abound (Isaac Watts)CM
13 (1) O Lord, at times my heart is cold (Evangelical Psalter)CM
13 (2) How long wilt Thou conceal Thy face? (Isaac Watts)CM
14 This race in such corruption (Evangelical Psalter)7 6. 7 6
15     Lord Jesus, near to Thee I’d be (Evangelical Psalter)CM
16 Preserve me, Lord, in time of need (Isaac Watts)LM
17 (1)     Hear, O my Lord, regard my cry (The Psalter)8 6. 8 6. 8 8
17 (2) What sinners value, I resign (Isaac Watts)LM
18   Whom should we love like Thee (Henry Francis Lyte)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
19 (1)     The heavens declare Thy glory, Lord (Isaac Watts)LM
19 (2)     God’s precepts are righteous and just (The Psalter)8 8. 8 8
20     The Lord will hear when troubles come (Evangelical Psalter)CM
21 When pain and weakness bowed His head (Evangelical Psalter)LM
22 (1) Now let our mournful songs record (Isaac Watts)LM
22 (2) Such grief was Thine, such deep distress (Evangelical Psalter)LM
22 (3) Come, ye that fear the Saviour (The Psalter)7 6. 7 6. D
23 (1)   The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want (Scottish Psalter)CM
23 (2) My Shepherd will supply my need (Isaac Watts)CM
23 (3)     My Shepherd is the Lord Who knows my needs (The Psalter)10 4. 10 4. 10 10
23 (4) Jesus the good Shepherd is (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
23 (5)     The Lord my Shepherd is (Isaac Watts)SM
24 (1) The spacious earth is all the Lord’s (Evangelical Psalter)CM
24 (2)     Our Lord is risen from the dead (Charles Wesley)CM
25 (1)     I lift my soul to Thee (Evangelical Psalter)SM
25 (2) Mine eyes and my desire (Isaac Watts)SM
26   Lord, I delight to find my place (William Goode)LM
27     The Lord my Saviour is my light (Anne Steele)LM
28 Lord, my Rock, to Thee I prayed (Evangelical Psalter)7 7. 7 7
29 (1) Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame (Isaac Watts)LM
29 (2) In God’s own house the loftiest praises sing (Elizabeth Tollet)10 10. 10 10
30 (1) I will extol Thee, Lord on high (Isaac Watts)LM
30 (2) I will extol Thee, Lord, my God (Evangelical Psalter)CM
31 (1)   The Saviour Who redeemed our souls (Harriet Auber)CM
31 (2) In God alone we put our trust (Evangelical Psalter)8 7. 8 7. D
32 (1)   How blest are we if God the Lord (Isaac Watts)CM
32 (2) How blest are they whose trespass (The Psalter)7 6. 7 6
32 (3)   Blessèd are they, supremely blest (Charles Wesley)LM
33 (1)     Come, ransomed souls, in God rejoice (Isaac Watts)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
33 (2) Blest is the church, where God the Lord (Isaac Watts)CM
34   Through all the changing scenes of life (Nahum Tate et al)CM
35 (1) Behold the love, the generous love (Isaac Watts)CM
35 (2) Plead my cause, O Lord, I pray (Joseph Irons)7 7. 7 7
36 (1)     High in the heavens, eternal God (Isaac Watts)LM
36 (2)     Thy mercy and Thy Truth, O Lord (The Psalter)CM
37 (1) Why should I so fretful be (Evangelical Psalter)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
37 (2) O Lord, the steps of all Thy saints (Isaac Watts)CM
38 (1) Rebuke me not in anger, Lord (Evangelical Psalter)CM
38 (2) In Thy wrath and hot displeasure (The Psalter)8 7. 8 7
38 (3) My soul, the final hour will come (Philip Doddridge)CM
39 (1) When tried, O Lord, with grief and woe (Evangelical Psalter)LM
39 (2)   My end, Lord, make me know (The Psalter)SM
39 (3)   Almighty Maker of my frame (Anne Steele)LM
40 (1)     I waited for the Lord my God (Scottish Psalter)CM
40 (2) The offering on the altar burned (The Psalter)CM
41 Happy are they whose tender care (Nahum Tate)CM
42 (1)     As pants the hart for cooling streams (Nahum Tate et al)CM
42 (2)   As pants the deer for streams of life (Evangelical Psalter)CM
43 (1) O send Thy light forth and Thy Truth (The Psalter)CM
43 (2) O Thou, my strength, with heart oppressed (Evangelical Psalter)CM
44 (1)   O Lord, we have heard, for the Scriptures have told (Evangelical Psalter)11 11. 11 11
44 (2) The battles of the Lord (Evangelical Psalter)SM
44 (3) Arm of the Lord, awake, awake! (Henry March)LM
45 (1) With hearts in love abounding (Harriet Auber)7 6. 7 6. D
45 (2) Hail, mighty Jesus! how divine (Benjamin Wallin et al)CM
45 (3) Now be my heart inspired to sing (Isaac Watts)LM
45 (4) Let us sing the King Messiah (John Ryland)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
45 (5) My heart is full of Christ, and longs (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
46 (1) God is the refuge of His saints (Isaac Watts)LM
46 (2)     God is our refuge and our strength (The Psalter)DCM
47 (1) Come, praise the Lord with sacred song (Isaac Watts)CM
47 (2)     Glorious is the Lord Most High (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7
48 (1) Great is the Lord; O greatly praise (Evangelical Psalter)LM
48 (2) We join to praise our God (Evangelical Psalter)6 6. 6 6
49 (1)   Humble us, Lord, before Thy Word (Evangelical Psalter)LM
49 (2) Let all the listening world attend (Nahum Tate)CM
49 (3) Dust to dust each mortal dies (The Psalter)7 7. 7 7
50 (1) The God of glory sends His summons forth (Isaac Watts)10 10. 10 10. 11 11
50 (2) The mighty God has spoken (Evangelical Psalter)7 6. 7 6. D
50 (3) The mighty God, the Lord, has called (Evangelical Psalter)CM
51 (1)   God be merciful to me (The Psalter)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
51 (2)   God of unfathomable love (Charles Wesley)8 8 6. 8 8 6
51 (3)     Look upon me, O Lord, forgive (Isaac Watts)LM
51 (4) Lord, I am vile, conceived in sin (Isaac Watts)LM
51 (5)     O Thou Who hears when sinners cry (Isaac Watts)LM
52 (1) In vain the powers of darkness try (Henry Francis Lyte)CM
52 (2) Is there glory found in cunning (Evangelical Psalter)8 7. 8 7
53 Fools in their hearts still say (Evangelical Psalter)SM
54 Save me by Thy glorious name (Evangelical Psalter)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
55 O God, my refuge, hear my cries (Isaac Watts)CM
56     God counts the sorrows of His saints (Isaac Watts)CM
57 My God, in Whom are all the springs (Isaac Watts)LM
58 Rulers who make themselves as gods (Evangelical Psalter)LM
59 I am hated, Lord, by those (William Allen)7 7. 7 7
60 In times of weakness and of blight (Evangelical Psalter)CM
61 When overwhelmed with grief (Isaac Watts)SM
62 (1) When dangers press and fears invade (Harriet Auber)CM
62 (2)     My spirit looks to God alone (Isaac Watts)LM
63 (1)     Early, my God, without delay (Isaac Watts)CM
63 (2) O God, Thou art my God alone (James Montgomery)LM
64 Hear, O Lord, our supplication (Henry Francis Lyte)8 7. 8 7
65     Praise, Lord, for Thee, in Zion waits (Henry Francis Lyte)LM
66 (1)     Let all the earth revere the Lord (Isaac Watts)CM
66 (2) All thanks to the Lamb, Who calls us to meet! (Charles Wesley)10 10. 11 11
67 God of mercy, God of grace (Henry Francis Lyte)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
68 As Thy chosen people, Lord (Harriet Auber)7 7. 7 7. D
69 (1)     Lord, I would stand with thoughtful eye (Henry Francis Lyte)CM
69 (2) Come, let us join with reverent fear (Isaac Watts)CM
70 (1) Come, O our God, our souls to bless (Evangelical Psalter)LM
70 (2) O hasten, Lord, my soul to bless (Evangelical Psalter)CM
71 (1)     My Saviour and almighty Friend (Isaac Watts)CM
71 (2) Almighty Father of mankind (Michael Bruce)CM
72 (1)   Jesus shall reign where’er the sun (Isaac Watts)LM
72 (2)   Hail to the Lord’s Anointed (James Montgomery)7 6. 7 6. D
72 (3)   Hasten, Lord, the glorious time (Harriet Auber)7 7. 7 7
73 (1)   Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was I (Isaac Watts)LM
73 (2) In close communion, Lord, with Thee (The Psalter)CM
74 (1) How long, eternal God, how long (Isaac Watts)CM
74 (2) O Lord our God, arise (Ralph Wardlaw)SM
75   That God the Lord is ever nigh (Harriet Auber)8 8 6. 8 8 6
76 (1) Among His people, God is known (Evangelical Psalter)LM
76 (2)     In Judah God of old was known (Isaac Watts)CM
77 (1) To God will I direct my prayer (The Psalter)LM
77 (2) Has God cast off for ever? (James Montgomery)7 6. 7 6. D
78 (1)   O praise our great and gracious Lord (Harriet Auber)DCM
78 (2)   Give ear to the Lord (The Psalter)5 5. 5 5. 6 5. 6 5
79 Thou gracious God, and kind (William Goode)SM
80 (1) O Shepherd of the church, give ear (Isaac Watts)LM
80 (2) Saviour, visit Thy plantation (John Newton)8 7. 8 7. D
81 Jesus, Lord, our strength and Saviour (Evangelical Psalter)8 7. 8 7
82 The kings of earth are in the hands (Evangelical Psalter)CM
83 Speak in Thy power, our mighty God! (Evangelical Psalter)LM
84 (1)   How honoured, how dear ( Josiah Conder)5 5. 5 5. 6 5. 6 5
84 (2)   Lord of the worlds above (Isaac Watts)6 6. 6 6. 4 4. 4 4
84 (3)   My soul, how lovely is the place (Isaac Watts)CM
84 (4) How lovely are Thy dwellings fair (John Milton)CM
85 (1) Salvation is for ever nigh (Isaac Watts)LM
85 (2) What God th’Almighty Lord will speak (John Milton)CM
86 To my humble prayer (Joseph Bryan)5 5. 8 8. 5 5
87 (1) God in His earthly kingdom lays (Isaac Watts)LM
87 (2)     Glorious things of thee are spoken (John Newton)8 7. 8 7. D
88 Lord God of my salvation (Henry Francis Lyte)7 6. 7 6. D
89 (1)   My song for ever shall record (The Psalter)LM
89 (2)   O what shall I do my Saviour to praise? (Charles Wesley)10 10. 11 11
89 (3) My song shall be of mercy (Henry Downton)7 6. 7 6. D
90 (1)   Our God, our help in ages past (Isaac Watts)CM
90 (2)   O God the Rock of Ages (Edward Henry Bickersteth)7 6. 7 6. D
91 (1)   There is a safe and secret place (Henry Francis Lyte)CM
91 (2)   He who has made his refuge God (Isaac Watts)LM
92   Sweet is the work, my God, my King (Isaac Watts)LM
93 The Lord of glory reigns; He reigns on high (Isaac Watts)10 10. 10 10. 11 11
94 Can guilty man, indeed, believe (Harriet Auber)LM
95   Come, let our voices join to raise (Isaac Watts)LM
96   Sing to the Lord through all the lands (Evangelical Psalter)LM
97   He reigns, the Lord, the Saviour reigns! (Isaac Watts)LM
98 (1)   Joy to the world! the Lord is come (Isaac Watts)CM
98 (2) Unto God our Saviour (The Psalter)6 5. 6 5. D
99   Revere the Lord as King (Evangelical Psalter)SM
100   Before Jehovah’s awesome throne (Isaac Watts)LM
101 Lord, when I lift my voice to Thee (William Hiley Bathurst)CM
102 Hear me, O Lord, nor hide Thy face (Isaac Watts)CM
103 (1)   My soul, repeat His praise (Isaac Watts)SM
103 (2)     O bless the Lord, my soul! (Isaac Watts)SM
103 (3)   Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven (Henry Francis Lyte)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
104 (1) O worship the King (Robert Grant)5 5. 5 5. 6 5. 6 5
104 (2) Vast are Thy works, Almighty Lord (Isaac Watts)LM
104 (3)   Lord, if one moment Thou Thy face shouldst hide (Thomas Blacklock)10 10. 10 10. 10 10
105 Give thanks to God, invoke His name (Isaac Watts)CM
106 God of eternal love (Isaac Watts)SM
107 (1) O give thanks unto the Lord (Joseph Irons)7 7. 7 7
107 (2)   From age to age exalt His name (Evangelical Psalter)LM
108 My heart is fixed, O God (The Psalter)SM
109 Stranger and pilgrim here below (Henry Francis Lyte)LM
110   Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Evangelical Psalter)8 7. 8 7. 8 7
111 (1) Praise the Lord with exultation (Charles Haddon Spurgeon)8 7. 8 7
111 (2) With all my heart I’ll praise the Lord (Evangelical Psalter)CM
112 How blest are they who fear the Lord (Isaac Watts)LM
113     All who delight to serve the Lord (Isaac Watts)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
114   When forth from Egypt’s trembling hand (George Burgess)CM
115   Lord, Thou alone art merciful and true! (Isaac Watts)10 10. 10 10. 10 10
116 (1)   I love the Lord Who heard my cry (The Psalter)CM
116 (2) For mercies countless as the sands (John Newton)CM
116 (3)   Redeemed from guilt, redeemed from fears (Henry Francis Lyte)LM
116 (4) What shall I render to my God (Isaac Watts)CM
117 (1) All the nations, praise the Lord (James Montgomery)7 7. 7 7
117 (2)   From all that dwell below the skies (Isaac Watts)LM
118 (1)   O praise the Lord, for He is good (Nahum Tate)CM
118 (2) Behold the sure foundation stone (Isaac Watts)CM
118 (3) This is the day the Lord has made (Isaac Watts)CM
119 (1) How blest are they who keep God’s Word (Isaac Watts)CM
119 (2) How shall the young direct their way? (The Psalter)LM
119 (3) Thy servant, saved by Thee, shall live (The Psalter)CM
119 (4)   My soul lies cleaving to the dust (Isaac Watts)CM
119 (5) Teach me, O Lord, Thy way of Truth (Evangelical Psalter)LM
119 (6)   May Thy mercies rest upon me (Evangelical Psalter)8 7. 8 7. D
119 (7)   Thou art my portion, O my God (Isaac Watts)CM
119 (8) O how I love Thy holy Word (William Cowper)LM
119 (9) My life was fashioned by Thy hand (Isaac Watts)CM
119 (10) For ever, Lord, Thy Word shall stand (Evangelical Psalter)CM
119 (11) Let all the world’s fair writers join (Isaac Watts)CM
119 (12) O how I love Thy law (Evangelical Psalter)6 6. 6 6
119 (13) Vain and futile are the thoughts (Evangelical Psalter)7 7. 7 7
119 (14) Deceit and falsehood we abhor (Evangelical Psalter)LM
119 (15)   O how the wonders of Thy law (James Merrick)LM
119 (16) Consider all my troubles, Lord (Isaac Watts)CM
119 (17) They hate me, Lord, without a cause (Isaac Watts)CM
120 (1) In trouble and distress I cry (Evangelical Psalter)CM
120 (2) Jesus! how my heart is pained (John Newton)7 7. 7 7
121 (1) Unto the hills around do I lift up (James Douglas Sutherland Campbell)10 4. 10 4. 10 10
121 (2)   Upward I lift mine eyes (Isaac Watts)6 6. 6 6. 4 4. 4 4
122 (1)   How pleased and blest was I (Isaac Watts)6 6 8. 6 6 8
122 (2)   Our special day, O Lord, has come (James Merrick et al)8 8 6. 8 8 6
123 Unto Thee I lift my eyes (Henry Francis Lyte)7 7. 7 7
124 Had not the Lord, my heart may cry (John Ryland)LM
125 Who in the Lord confide (Charles Wesley)SM
126     When God revealed His gracious name (Isaac Watts)CM
127 Vain the toiling of the builder (Harriet Auber)8 7. 8 7
128 How blest are they who fear the Lord (Evangelical Psalter)LM
129 Many times since days of youth (John Beaumont)7 5. 7 5
130 (1)   Out of the depths I cry to Thee (Martin Luther)8 7. 8 7. 8 8 7
130 (2)   From sorrow’s depths I cry, O Lord, to Thee (The Psalter)10 4. 10 4. 10 10
131 (1)     Quiet, Lord, my froward heart (John Newton)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
131 (2)   Lord, if Thou Thy grace impart (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7
132 Where shall we go to seek and find (Isaac Watts)LM
133 (1) How pleasant here to see (Isaac Watts)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
133 (2) How beautiful the sight! (James Montgomery)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
133 (3) When all are sweetly joined (Charles Wesley)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
134 Bless the Lord, His servants (Evangelical Psalter)6 5. 6 5
135 Praise ye the Lord, exalt His name (Evangelical Psalter)LM
136 (1)   Give to our God immortal praise (Isaac Watts)LM
136 (2)   Give thanks to God Most High (Isaac Watts)6 6. 6 6. 4 4. 4 4
137 (1) Arise, despondent saints (Augustus Montague Toplady)SM
137 (2) Far from my heavenly home (Henry Francis Lyte)SM
138   With all my powers of heart and tongue (Isaac Watts)LM
139 (1) Lord, Thou hast searched and seen me through (Isaac Watts)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
139 (2)   Lord, Thou hast searched me, and dost know (The Psalter)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
139 (3) All that I am I owe to Thee (The Psalter)LM
139 (4) When I in awe and wonder stand (Isaac Watts)CM
140 Believers, like their Lord of old (Henry Francis Lyte)LM
141   O Lord, accept my prayers, my vows (Isaac Watts)LM
142   I cried unto the Lord my God (Evangelical Psalter)CM
143   When Satan my accuser (Evangelical Psalter)7 6. 7 6. D
144 Blest be the Lord, our strength, our tower (Evangelical Psalter)8 8 6. 8 8 6
145 (1) O Lord, Thou art my God and King (The Psalter)LM
145 (2)     Long as I live I’ll bless Thy name (Isaac Watts)CM
146   I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath (Isaac Watts)8 8 8. D
147 (1) O praise the Lord, ’tis good to raise (Henry Francis Lyte)LM
147 (2) Praise ye the Lord; ’tis good to raise (Isaac Watts)LM
148 (1)   Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore Him (Foundling Hospital Collection)8 7. 8 7
148 (2) Let every creature join and sing (Isaac Watts)CM
149 (1) O praise ye the Lord (Henry Francis Lyte)5 5. 5 5. 6 5. 6 5
149 (2) Prepare a new song (William Goode)5 5. 5 5. 6 5. 6 5
150   O praise ye the Lord! (Henry Williams Baker)5 5. 5 5. 6 5. 6 5
151   Come, Thou Almighty King (Anonymous)6 6 4. 6 6 6. 4
152   We give immortal praise (Isaac Watts)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
153   Command Thy blessing from above (James Montgomery)LM
154   What was it, O our God (Ann Gilbert)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
155 To Him that chose us first (Isaac Watts)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
156   Father of Heaven, Whose love profound (Edward Cooper)LM
157   God is in His temple (William Tidd Matson)6 6 8. 6 6 8. 3 3. 6 6
158   The God of Abraham praise (Thomas Olivers)6 6. 8 4. D
GOD THE FATHER − His Attributes and Perfections
see also Psalms: 9, 36(1), 36(2), 57, 65, 90(1), 90(2), 93, 95, 99, 100, 103(1), 103(2), 103(3), 104(1), 117(1), 117(2), 135, 138, 139(1), 144, 148(1), 148(2)
159   How shall I praise the eternal God (Isaac Watts)CM
160 O everlasting Light (Horatius Bonar)SM
161 Begin my tongue a heavenly theme (Isaac Watts)CM
162   We praise, we worship Thee, O God (Gell’s Collection)LM
163 Great God! how infinite art Thou! (Isaac Watts)CM
164   How shall I sing that majesty (John Mason)DCM
165     Eternal Power! Whose high abode (Isaac Watts)LM
166   The Lord is King! lift up your voice ( Josiah Conder)LM
167 Can mortals understand or find (Isaac Watts)LM
168   Bright the vision that delighted (Richard Mant)8 7. 8 7. D
169   Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! (Reginald Heber)11. 12. 12. 10
170 Wait, O my soul, your Maker’s will (Benjamin Beddome)LM
171 Come, humble souls, approach your God (Anne Steele)CM
172 Songs of praise the angels sang (James Montgomery)7 7. 7 7
173   Great God of wonders! all Thy ways (Samuel Davies)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
174   O Love of God, how strong and true! (Horatius Bonar)LM
175 O heavenly King (Charles Wesley)5 5. 5 5. 6 5. 6 5
176   Thy mercy, my God, is the theme of my song (Joseph Stocker)11 11. 11 11
177   Praise, everlasting praise, be paid (Isaac Watts)LM
178   Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (Joachim Neander)14 14. 4. 7. 8
179 ‘Great is Thy faithfulness,’ O God my Father (Thomas O. Chisholm)Irregular
180 O what matchless condescension (William Gadsby)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
GOD THE FATHER − Creation and Providence
see also Psalms: 33(1), 75, 82, 104(1), 104(2), 104(3), 113, 136(1), 136(2), 139(3), 139(4), 147(2), 148(2)
181   I sing the almighty power of God (Isaac Watts)CM
182 O give thanks to Him Who made ( Josiah Conder)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
183     Hast thou not known, hast thou not heard (Isaac Watts)CM
184   All praise to God Who reigns above (Johann Jakob Schutz)8 7. 8 7. 8 8 7
185     Sovereign Ruler of the skies! (John Ryland)7 7. 7 7
186 When all Thy mercies, O my God (Joseph Addison)CM
187   All my hope on God is founded (Joachim Neander)8 7. 8 7. 3 3 7
188 God moves in a mysterious way (William Cowper)CM
189   Now thank we all our God (Martin Rinkart)6 7. 6 7. 6 6. 6 6
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST − His Names and Titles
see also Psalms: 18, 23(1), 23(2), 23(3), 23(4), 23(5), 110
190 (1)   Join all the glorious names (Version 1) (Isaac Watts)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
190 (2)   Join all the glorious names (Version 2) (Isaac Watts)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
191   Jesus! the name high over all (Charles Wesley)CM
192   At the name of Jesus (Caroline Maria Noel)6 5. 6 5. D
193 Light of the world, for ever, ever shining (Horatius Bonar)11 6. 11 6
194     One there is, above all others (John Newton)8 7. 8 7. 7 7
195   I’ve found a Friend, O, such a Friend! (James Grindlay Small)8 7. 8 7. D
196     O now, my soul, forget no more (Krishna Pal)LM
197   Come, let us join our cheerful songs (Isaac Watts)CM
198   ’Tis the Church triumphant singing (John Kent)8 4. 8 4. 8 8 4
199   Glory to God on high! (James Allen)6 6 4. 6 6 6. 4
200 Christ, Whose glory fills the skies (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
201   Thou art the Way, to Thee alone (George Washington Doane)CM
202     How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (John Newton)CM
203   Thou art the everlasting Word ( Josiah Conder)8 6. 8 6. 8 8
204   I’ve found the pearl of greatest price (John Mason)CM
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST − Praise to the Saviour
see also Psalms: 22(3), 29(1), 29(2), 45(1), 45(2), 45(3), 45(4), 45(5), 66(1), 66(2), 67, 71(1), 72(1), 72(2), 96, 97, 98(2), 103(1), 103(2), 103(3), 105, 115, 135, 145(1), 145(2), 146, 149(1), 149(2)
205 Awake, my soul, in joyful lays (Samuel Medley)LM
206     Immortal honours rest on Jesus’ head (William Gadsby)10 10. 10 10
207   Let us love and sing and wonder (John Newton)8 7. 8 7. 7 7
208 Let earth and Heaven agree (Charles Wesley)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
209 Behold the glories of the Lamb (Isaac Watts)CM
210   Jesus, and shall it ever be (Joseph Grigg)LM
211 Now in praise let us arise (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
212     Now to the Lord a noble song! (Isaac Watts)LM
213     ’Tis to Thee we owe allegiance (Thomas Kelly)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
214 Sing the theme of Jesus’ love (Albert Midlane)7 7. 7 7
215 Now to the Lord, Who makes us know (Isaac Watts)LM
216   O for a thousand tongues to sing (Charles Wesley)CM
217 We sing the praise of Him Who died (Thomas Kelly)LM
218 Let Zion in her songs record (John Kent)8 8 6. 8 8 6
219   I will sing the wondrous story (Francis Harold Rawley)8 7. 8 7. D
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST − Deity and Incarnation
see also Psalms: 8, 98(1)
220     Hark! the glad sound, the Saviour comes (Philip Doddridge)CM
221   Earth was waiting, spent and restless (William Chalmers Smith)8 7. 8 7. 8 7
222   Angels from the realms of glory (James Montgomery)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
223   Let us all, with grateful praises (Joseph Hart)8 7. 8 7
224 Once in royal David’s city (Cecil Frances Alexander)8 7. 8 7. 7 7
225   The race that long in darkness pined (John Morison)CM
226   Christians, awake! salute the happy morn (John Byrom)10 10. 10 10. 10 10
227 O come, all ye faithful (Latin)Irregular
228   Ere the blue heavens were stretched abroad (Isaac Watts)LM
229   Hark! the herald angels sing (Charles Wesley et al)7 7. 7 7. D
230 Thou Who wast rich beyond all splendour (Frank Houghton)9 8. 9 8. 9 8
231   As with gladness men of old (William Chatterton Dix)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
232 Bright and joyful is the morn (James Montgomery)7 7. 7 7
233   All my heart this night rejoices (Paul Gerhardt)8. 3 3. 6. D
234   Now let us join with hearts and tongues (John Newton)LM
235   Let earth and Heaven combine (Charles Wesley)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
236   ‘To you this night is born a Child’ (Martin Luther)LM
237 While shepherds watched their flocks by night (Nahum Tate)CM
238   Mighty God, while angels bless Thee (Robert Robinson)8 7. 8 7. D
239   All glory to God in the sky (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. D
240   We saw Thee not when Thou didst come (John Hampden Gurney)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
241   When the Saviour dwelt below (John Ryland)7 7. 7 7
242 My dear Redeemer and my Lord (Isaac Watts)LM
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST − His Sufferings and Death
see also Psalms: 22(1), 22(2), 35(1), 69(1), 69(2)
243   When I survey the wondrous cross (Isaac Watts)LM
244 How willing was Jesus to die (Joseph Swain)8 8. 8 8
245   More marred than any man’s (William Russell)SM
246   ‘Man of Sorrows!’ what a name (Philip Bliss)7 7 7. 8
247 On the wings of faith uprising (Joseph Swain)8 7. 8 7
248     There is a fountain filled with blood (William Cowper)CM
249   Many woes had He endured (Joseph Hart)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
250   Alas! and did my Saviour bleed? (Isaac Watts)CM
251   The Son of God, in mighty love (Horatius Bonar)LM
252 Hark! the voice of love and mercy (Jonathan Evans)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
253   Extended on a cursèd tree (Paul Gerhardt)LM
254   My song is love unknown (Samuel Crossman)6 6. 6 6. 4 4. 4 4
255 In Jesus’ name, with one accord (William Hiley Bathurst)CM
256   Behold the amazing sight! (Philip Doddridge)SM
257   Awake, my soul, and rise (William Williams)SM
258   O perfect life of love! (Henry Williams Baker)SM
259 We wonder at the works of God (Joseph Hart)LM
260   Give me a sight, O Saviour (Katherine Agnes May Kelly)Irregular
261 Well we speak of Jesus’ blood (Joseph Hart)7 7. 7 7
262 O sacred head! once wounded (Bernard of Clairvaux)7 6. 7 6. D
263   Plunged in a gulf of dark despair (Isaac Watts)CM
264   There is a green hill far away (Cecil Frances Alexander)CM
265 Nature with open volume stands (Isaac Watts)LM
266 Sweet the moments, rich in blessing (William Walter Shirley)8 7. 8 7
267 To Calvary, Lord, in spirit now (Edward Denny)CM
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST − His Resurrection and Ascension
see also Psalms: 2(1), 2(2), 24(2)
268   ‘Christ the Lord is risen today!’ (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7
269   O humble souls who seek the Lord (Philip Doddridge)CM
270   God is gone up on high (Charles Wesley)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
271 Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands (Martin Luther)8 7. 8 7. 8 8 7
272   The golden gates are lifted up (Cecil Frances Alexander)CM
273 Our great Redeemer rose (Philip Doddridge)6 6. 6 6. 4 4. 4 4
274 Hail the day that sees Him rise, (Charles Wesley et al)7 7. 7 7, with hallelujahs
275   O praise the risen Prince of Light (Isaac Watts)CM
276 Heavenly choirs are sounding (Frances Ridley Havergal)6 5. 6 5. D
277   The happy morn is come (Thomas Haweis)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
278 Jesus lives! thy terrors now (Christian Fürchtegott Geller)7 8. 7 8. 4
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST − Jesus Reigning in Heaven
see also Psalms: 2(1), 2(2), 21, 45(1), 45(2), 45(3), 45(4), 45(5)
279   Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious (Thomas Kelly)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
280 O the delights, the heavenly joys (Isaac Watts)CM
281   Rejoice! the Lord is King (Charles Wesley)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
282   Now let our cheerful eyes survey (Philip Doddridge)CM
283   The head that once was crowned with thorns (Thomas Kelly)CM
284   Lamb of God, Who now art seated (James George Deck)8 7. 8 7. D
285   Hail! Thou once despisèd Jesus (John Bakewell)8 7. 8 7. D
286   Come, every thankful heart (Samuel Stennett)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
287     Before the throne of God above (Charitee Lees Bancroft)LM
288   Crown Him with many crowns (Matthew Bridges et al)DSM
289 Come, let us sing the song of songs (James Montgomery)LM
290   Ye servants of God (Charles Wesley)5 5. 5 5. 6 5. 6 5
291   Rejoice, the Saviour reigns (John Ryland)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
292 He Who on earth as man was known (John Newton)CM
293   Where high the heavenly temple stands (Michael Bruce)LM
294 With joy we meditate the grace (Isaac Watts)CM
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST − His Second Advent and the Final Judgement
see also Psalms: 12, 50(1), 50(2), 50(3), 72(3)
295   Lo! He cometh! countless trumpets (John Cennick et al)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
296 Come, Lord, and tarry not (Horatius Bonar)SM
297 Lift your heads, ye friends of Jesus (Charles Wesley)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
298     Lo! what a glorious sight appears (Isaac Watts)CM
299 Thou art coming, O my Saviour (Frances Ridley Havergal)8 7. 8 8 7. 7 7. 7 7
300   The Lord shall come! the earth shall quake (Reginald Heber et al)LM
301     I am waiting for the dawning (Samuel Trevor Francis)8 7. 8 7. D
302   See the ransomed millions stand ( Josiah Conder)7 7. 7 7. D
303   Ten thousand times ten thousand (Henry Alford)7 6. 8 6. D
304   Day of judgement, day of wonders (John Newton)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
305   Lo! He comes with clouds descending (John Cennick et al)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
306 Thou Judge of quick and dead (Charles Wesley)DSM
307 Great God, what do I see and hear! (Anonymous et al)8 7. 8 7. 8 8 7
308 When Thou, my righteous Judge, shalt come (Lady Huntingdon’s Hymnbook)8 8 6. 8 8 6
309 Away with our fears (Charles Wesley)5 5. 5 11
310   Holy Spirit! pity me (William Bunting)7 7. 7 7
311 Lord God the Holy Ghost (James Montgomery)SM
312 Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stay (Charles Wesley)LM
313 Holy Spirit, from on high (William Hiley Bathurst)7 7. 7 7
314     O Breath of God, breathe on us now (Alfred Henry Vine)LM
315 Come, Holy Ghost, all-quickening fire! (Charles Wesley)8 8 8. D
316 Come to our poor nature’s night (George Rawson)7 7 7. 5
317 Spirit divine, attend our prayers (Andrew Reed)CM
318 Come, Holy Spirit, come (Joseph Hart et al)SM
319 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove (Isaac Watts)CM
320   Eternal Spirit! how we bless (Isaac Watts)LM
321 Dear Lord, and shall Thy Spirit rest (Anne Steele)LM
322   Spirit of faith, come down (Charles Wesley)DSM
323 Creator Spirit! by Whose aid (Latin)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
324 Enthroned on high, almighty Lord (Thomas Haweis)CM
325   Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire (Charles Wesley)CM
326     Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove (Simon Browne)LM
327   O Spirit of the living God (James Montgomery)LM
328 When shall I hear the inward voice (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
see also Psalms: 19(2), 119(2), 119(3), 119(6), 119(10), 119(11), 119(12), 119(14)
329   Father of mercies, in Thy Word (Anne Steele)CM
330   O happy is the man who hears (Michael Bruce)CM
331   Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace (Benjamin Barton)CM
332 God, in the Gospel of His Son (Benjamin Beddome et al)LM
333 Come, Saviour Christ, our only Lord (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
334   The Spirit breathes upon the Word (William Cowper)CM
335   Break Thou the Bread of Life (Mary Artemisia Lathbury)6 4. 6 4. D
336   Inspirer of the ancient seers (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
337 The volume of my Father’s grace (Isaac Watts)CM
338   How precious is the book divine (John Fawcett et al)CM
THE GOSPEL CALL − Evangelism and Missions
see also Psalms: 10, 14, 19(1), 58, 60, 74(1), 74(2), 108, 126
339 Now may the Gospel’s conquering power (Thomas Kelly)LM
340 All thanks be to God (Charles Wesley)5 5. 5 11
341   O Christ, our true and only Light (Johann Heermann)LM
342 How long hast Thou bestowed Thy care (John Newton)LM
343 Revive Thy work, O Lord! (Albert Midlane)SM
344   Lord of the reapers, hear our lowly pleading (Frederic Goldsmith French)11 10. 11 10
345   The Saviour calls; let every ear (Anne Steele)CM
346 Lord of the harvest, hear (Charles Wesley)SM
347     Sow in the morn your seed (James Montgomery)SM
348   Thy presence, gracious God, afford (John Fawcett)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
349 Beside the Gospel pool, (John Newton)SM
350 Here at the Gospel pool, the poor (John Newton)CM
351     Behold the mountain of the Lord (Michael Bruce)CM
352 Father of mercies, bow Thine ear (Benjamin Beddome)LM
353 Bless Thy servants, Lord, uphold them (Thomas Kelly)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
354 Sound, sound the Truth abroad (Thomas Kelly)6 6 4. 6 6 6. 4
THE GOSPEL CALL − The Pleadings of Grace
see also Psalms: 2(2), 94, 95, 107(2)
355   Come, ye sinners, poor and needy (Joseph Hart)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
356 Let every mortal ear attend (Isaac Watts)CM
357   Come, all souls by sin afflicted (Joseph Swain)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
358   ‘Come unto Me, ye weary’ (William Chatterton Dix)7 6. 7 6. D
359 Seek ye first, not earthly pleasure (Georgiana Mary Taylor)8 8 8. 3
360 Come to the Saviour now! (John Murch Wigner)6 6. 6 6. D
THE GOSPEL CALL − The Way of Grace Stated
see also Psalms: 1(2), 49(1), 49(2), 49(3), 53, 85(1), 85(2), 110, 115, 136(1), 136(2)
361   ‘All ye that pass by’ (Charles Wesley)5 5. 11. D
362   How sad our state by nature is! (Isaac Watts)CM
363   Surely Christ our griefs has borne (Augustus Montague Toplady)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
364 When wounded sore, the stricken soul (Cecil Frances Alexander)CM
365 ‘Sinners Jesus will receive’ (Erdmann Neumeister)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
366 Jesus, Thy message speaks within (Isaac Watts)LM
367   Happy the man who finds the grace (Charles Wesley)LM
368   The sinner that truly believes (Joseph Hart)8 8. 8 8. D
369   Eternal Light! Eternal Light! (Thomas Binney)8 6. 8 8 6
370   O precious words that Jesus said! (Fanny J. Crosby)CM
371 Our heavenly Father calls (Philip Doddridge)SM
THE GOSPEL CALL − Repentance and Faith
see also Psalms: 38(1), 38(2), 39(2), 39(3), 51(1), 51(2), 51(3), 51(4), 51(5), 63(1), 70(1), 79, 86, 88, 123, 130(1), 130(2)
372   Jesus, lover of my soul (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7. D
373   Rock of Ages, cleft for me (Augustus Montague Toplady)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
374   Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat (John Newton)CM
375   Heal us, Emmanuel! we are here (William Cowper)CM
376   Depth of mercy, can there be (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7. D
377     I need Thee every hour (Annie Sherwood Hawks)6 4. 6 4, with refrain
378 With broken heart and contrite sigh (Cornelius Elven)LM
379 Lord, I confess to Thee (Horatius Bonar)6 4. 6 4. 6 6 4
380   O Thou Who hast redeemed of old (Charles Wesley)8 8 6. 8 8 6
381   Come, my soul, your plea prepare (John Newton)7 7. 7 7
382   O the bitter shame and sorrow (Theodore Monod)8 7. 8 8 7
383   God made me for Himself, to serve Him here (Henry Williams Baker)10 10. 10 10
384 To whom, Lord, shall we go (Charles Wesley)SM
385   Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night (W. T. Sleeper)Irregular
386   Jesus, my All, to Heaven is gone (John Cennick)LM
387   Beneath the cross of Jesus (Elizabeth Cecilia Clephane)7 6. 8 6. 8 6. 8 6
388   Thou God of glorious majesty (Charles Wesley)8 8 6. 8 8 6
389   Just as I am—without one plea (Charlotte Elliott)8 8 8. 6
390   Lord, I was blind, I could not see (William Tidd Matson)LM
391   Not what these hands have done (Horatius Bonar)SM
392   With glorious clouds encompassed round (Charles Wesley)CM
393   I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus (Frances Ridley Havergal)8 5. 8 3
394   Come, let us to the Lord our God (John Morison)CM
395   Loosed from my God, and far removed (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
396   Jesus, I will trust Thee (Mary Jane Walker)6 5. 6 5. D
397   O my Saviour, lifted (William Walsham How)6 5. 6 5
398   O teach me what it meaneth (Lucy Ann Bennett)7 6. 7 6. D
399   Jesus, the sinner’s Friend, to Thee (Charles Wesley)LM
400   Weary of earth, and laden with my sin (Samuel John Stone)10 10. 10 10
401   My faith looks up to Thee (Ray Palmer)6 6 4. 6 6 6. 4
402 I thought that I was strong, Lord (Joseph Denham Smith)7 6. 7 6. D
403   O Jesus, full of truth and grace (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
404   I bring my sins to Thee (Frances Ridley Havergal)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
405   Hear, gracious God, a sinner’s cry! (Samuel Medley)LM
406   Great God, when I approach Thy throne (William Hiley Bathurst)CM
407 Jesus! Redeemer, Saviour, Lord (Augustus Montague Toplady et al)CM
408 I hear Thy welcome voice (Lewis Hartsough)SM, with refrain
409   Not all the blood of beasts (Isaac Watts)SM
410 Jesus, if Thou art still today (Charles Wesley)CM
411 O for a glance of heavenly day (Joseph Hart)LM
412   Come, O Thou all-victorious Lord (Charles Wesley)CM
413   Infinite grief! amazing woe! (Isaac Watts)CM
414 O Saviour, I have nought to plead (Jane Crewdson)8 8. 8 6
415   Thou great mysterious God unknown (Charles Wesley)8 8 6. 8 8 6
416   Physician of my sin-sick soul (John Newton)CM
417   O Lord, from Whom there’s nought concealed (John Newton)CM
418 Come, O Thou Traveller unknown (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
THE CHRISTIAN − Gratitude for Saving Grace and Electing Love
see also Psalms: 1(2), 18, 23(1), 23(2), 23(3), 23(4), 23(5), 28, 30(1), 30(2), 34, 40(1), 65, 66(1), 66(2), 71(2), 76(1), 76(2), 89(1), 89(2), 89(3), 107(1), 116(1), 116(2), 116(3), 116(4), 119(8), 124, 126, 138, 142, 146, 147(1)
419 Come and rejoice with me! (Elizabeth Rundle Charles)SM
420   And can it be that I should gain (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
421 I will sing of my Redeemer (Philip Bliss)8 7. 8 7. D
422   O Lord, enlarge our scanty thought (Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf et al)LM
423   Amazing grace! how sweet the sound (John Newton)CM
424 In lovingkindness Jesus came (Charlotte G. Homer)8 8 8. 6, with refrain
425 (1) Come, we that love the Lord (Version 1) (Isaac Watts)SM
425 (2) Come, we that love the Lord (Version 2) (Isaac Watts)SM
426 O Lord, I am Thine (Charles Wesley)5 5. 11. D
427 I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew (The Pilgrim Hymnal)10 10. 10 6
428   Grace! ’tis a charming sound (Philip Doddridge et al)SM
429 Forgiving Lord, how kind (John Kent)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
430 ’Twas with an everlasting love (John Kent)LM
431 Jesus, the sinner’s Friend! (Catherine Pennefather)SM
432   I heard the voice of Jesus say (Horatius Bonar)DCM
433 ’Tis not that I did choose Thee ( Josiah Conder)7 6. 7 6. D
434 In evil long I took delight (John Newton)CM
435 Lord, we confess our numerous faults (Isaac Watts)CM
436   Jesus, commissioned from above (Ambrose Serle)CM
437   O happy day, that fixed my choice (Philip Doddridge)LM
438 I was a wandering sheep (Horatius Bonar)DSM
THE CHRISTIAN − The World Renounced
see also Psalms: 1(1), 1(2), 73(1), 73(2), 119(13)
439 Thou only Sovereign of my heart (Anne Steele)LM
440     How vast the treasure we possess! (Isaac Watts)LM
441   Let worldly minds this world pursue (John Newton)CM
442 I thirst, but not as once I did (William Cowper)LM
443 Let shallow things of earth depart (Anne Steele)CM
THE CHRISTIAN − Desires for Holiness
see also Psalms: 15, 52(2), 81, 101, 119(1), 119(4), 119(5), 119(7), 119(9), 119(13)
444     Jesus, Thine all-victorious love (Charles Wesley)CM
445   We have not known Thee as we ought (Thomas Benson Pollock)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
446     So let our lips and lives express (Isaac Watts)LM
447   Jesus, my strength, my hope (Charles Wesley)DSM
448 We praise and bless Thee, gracious Lord (Carl Johann Philipp Spitta)CM
449   More gratitude give me; more trust in the Lord (Philip Bliss)11 11. 11 11
450     O for a heart to praise my God (Charles Wesley)CM
451 I asked the Lord that I might grow (John Newton)LM
452   Love divine, all loves excelling (Charles Wesley)8 7. 8 7. D
453     Lord, when our hearts perceive Thy worth (John Newton)LM
454 Centre of our hopes Thou art (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
455 O may my heart by grace renewed (John Fawcett)CM
456   I want a principle within (Charles Wesley)CM
THE CHRISTIAN − Dedication and Zeal
see also Psalms: 11, 40(2), 86, 119(14), 122(1), 134
457     Jesus, all-atoning Lamb (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7
458     My gracious Lord, I own Thy right (Philip Doddridge)LM
459   Thy life was given for me (Frances Ridley Havergal)6 6. 6 6. 6 6
460   O Jesus, I have promised (John Ernest Bode)7 6. 7 6. D
461   Lord, in the fulness of my might (Thomas Hornblower Gill)CM
462   Give me the faith which can remove (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
463     Lord, speak to me, that I may speak (Frances Ridley Havergal)LM
464   Not, Lord, Thine ancient works alone (Thomas Hornblower Gill)8 8 6. 8 8 6
465     Jesus, our best belovèd Friend (James Montgomery)LM
466   Go, labour on, spend, and be spent (Horatius Bonar)LM
467   O Thou Who camest from above (Charles Wesley)LM
468     Take my life, and let it be (Frances Ridley Havergal)7 7. 7 7
469   Now, Saviour, now Thy love impart (Charles Wesley)8 8 6. 8 8 6
470   Jesus, Master, Whose I am (Frances Ridley Havergal)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
471   Saviour! Thy dying love (Sylvanus Dryden Phelps)6 4. 6 4. 6 6. 6 4
472 Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God (Horatius Bonar)CM
473     Behold the servant of the Lord! (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
474   In full and glad surrender (Frances Ridley Havergal)7 6. 7 6
475   Jesus, I my cross have taken (Henry Francis Lyte)8 7. 8 7. D
476   O God, what offering shall I give (Joachim Lange)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
477   Zeal is that pure and heavenly flame (John Newton)CM
478   Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
THE CHRISTIAN − Courage and Trust in God
see also Psalms: 9, 20, 27, 44(1), 44(2), 44(3), 59, 64, 121(1), 121(2)
479     Soldiers of Christ, arise (Charles Wesley)SM
480 (1) A mighty fortress is our God (Version 1) (Martin Luther)8 7. 8 7. 6 6. 6 6 7
480 (2) A safe stronghold our God is still (Version 2) (Martin Luther)8 7. 8 7. 6 6. 6 6 7
481   Are we the soldiers of the Cross (Isaac Watts)CM
482 Who is on the Lord’s side? (Frances Ridley Havergal)6 5. 6 5. Ter
483   We come unto our fathers’ God (Thomas Hornblower Gill)8 7. 8 7. 8 8 7
484   Light of the world, Thy beams I bless (Charles Wesley)8 8 6. 8 8 6
485     ‘Forward!’ be our watchword (Henry Alford)6 5. 6 5. Ter
486     I’m not ashamed to own my Lord (Isaac Watts)CM
487   Stand up! stand up for Jesus! (George Duffield)7 6. 7 6. D
488 Come, let us anew (Charles Wesley)5 5. 5 11
489 Now I have found the ground wherein (Johann Andreas Rothe)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
490     Awake, our souls; away, our fears (Isaac Watts)LM
491 My soul, triumphant in the Lord (Philip Doddridge)CM
492   Omnipotent Lord, my Saviour and King (Charles Wesley)10 10. 11 11
THE CHRISTIAN − Prayer in Affliction and Temptation
see also Psalms: 6, 7, 13(1), 13(2), 31(2), 39(1), 42(1), 42(2), 43(1), 43(2), 56, 61, 70(2), 83, 102, 109, 120(1), 130(1), 130(2)
493 God of my life, to Thee I call (William Cowper)LM
494 Encompassed with clouds of distress (Augustus Montague Toplady)8 8. 8 8. D
495   Still nigh me, O my Saviour, stand (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
496 Lord, I cannot let Thee go (John Newton)7 7. 7 7
497 Clouds and darkness round about Thee (Charlotte Elliott)8 7. 8 7. 7 7
498     Heavenly Father! to Whose eye ( Josiah Conder)7 7. 7 7
THE CHRISTIAN − Afflictions − Resting on the Promises
see also Psalms: 35(2), 62(1), 62(2), 143
499     Why should I fear the darkest hour (John Newton)8 8 8
500     Let me but hear my Saviour say (Isaac Watts)LM
501   Thou hidden source of calm repose (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
502   When fears arise and trials oppress (Augustus Montague Toplady)CM
503   Begone, unbelief (John Newton)5 5. 5 5. 6 5. 6 5
504 In the floods of tribulation (Samuel Pearce)8 7. 8 7
505 ’Tis my happiness below (William Cowper)7 7. 7 7. D
506   My hope is built on nothing less (Edward Mote)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
507     Be still, my heart! all anxious cares (John Newton)LM
508 O why do mournful thoughts arise (Isaac Watts)CM
509   How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord (‘K’—in Dr John Rippon’s Selection)11 11. 11 11
510 How frail and fallible am I! (William Hiley Bathurst)LM
511   Though troubles assail (John Newton)5 5. 5 5. 6 5. 6 5
512 Head of the Church triumphant (Charles Wesley)7 7. 8 7
513     Sometimes a light surprises (William Cowper)7 6. 7 6. D
514 Why should I sorrow more? (William Williams et al)SM
515     Incarnate God! the soul that knows (John Newton)CM
516 Let not God’s praises grow (Richard Baxter)6 6. 6 6. 4 4. 4 4
517     Away, distrustful care! (Richard Baxter)6 6. 6 6. 4 4. 4 4
THE CHRISTIAN − Seeking to Persevere
see also Psalms: 25(2), 37(1), 54, 55, 78(2), 106, 119(6), 119(16), 141
518 O Lamb of God, still keep me (James George Deck)7 6. 7 6
519     God of love, that hearest prayer (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7
520 O that I knew the secret place (Isaac Watts)CM
521 O for a closer walk with God (William Cowper)CM
522   When any turn from Zion’s way (John Newton)CM
523   Keep us, Lord, O keep us ever (Thomas Kelly)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
524 Jesus, seek Thy wandering sheep (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7. D
THE CHRISTIAN − Peaceful Trust
see also Psalms: 4(1), 4(2), 25(1), 62(1), 62(2), 112, 118(1), 118(2), 119(17), 131(1), 131(2)
525   I hear the words of love (Horatius Bonar)SM
526 Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin? (Edward Henry Bickersteth)10 10
527 For ever here my rest shall be (Charles Wesley)CM
528     O Lord, I would delight in Thee (John Ryland)CM
529 When peace, like a river, attendeth my way (Horatio Gates Spafford)11 8. 11 9
530   My long rebellious heart, O Lord (Richard Baxter)CM
THE CHRISTIAN − Patience and Resignation to God’s Will
see also Psalms: 77(1), 77(2), 119(6), 120(2), 123, 131(1), 131(2), 143
531   Lord, my times are in Thy hand ( Josiah Conder)7 7. 7 7
532   My God and Father, while I stray (Charlotte Elliott)8 8 8. 6
533   All the way my Saviour leads me (Fanny J. Crosby)8 7. 8 7. D
534   In heavenly love abiding (Anna Letitia Waring)7 6. 7 6. D
535   O God of Bethel, by Whose hand (Philip Doddridge et al)CM
536   Thy way, not mine, O Lord (Horatius Bonar)6 6. 6 6
537     Commit now all your griefs (Paul Gerhardt)SM
538   My heart is resting, O my God (Anna Letitia Waring)CM
539 And must I part with all I have (Benjamin Beddome)CM
540 Be still, my soul: the Lord is on your side (Katharina von Schlegel)10 10. 10 10. 10 10
541 My Father, it is good for me (George Rawson)CM
542     Leave God to order all thy ways (Georg Christian Neumark)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
543 Go not far from me, O my Strength (Anna Letitia Waring)8 6. 8 6. 8 6
544     Be with me, Lord, where’er I go (John Cennick)LM
545 Master, speak! Thy servant heareth (Frances Ridley Havergal)8 7. 8 7. 7 7
546   Hushed was the evening hymn (James Drummond Burns)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
547   Teach me Thy way, O Lord (B. Mansell Ramsey)6 4. 6 4. 6 6. 6 4
548 Father, I know that all my life (Anna Letitia Waring)8 6. 8 6. 8 6
549 Now, the sowing and the weeping (Frances Ridley Havergal)8 7. 8 7
see also Psalms: 131(1), 131(2)
550   Blest are the humble souls that see (Isaac Watts)LM
551   O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me (Johann Caspar Lavater)CM
552 Jesus! exalted far on high (Thomas Cotterill)CM
553 Behold the amazing gift of love (Scottish Paraphrases et al)CM
554 Behold, what wondrous grace (Isaac Watts)SM
555   Arise, my soul, arise (Charles Wesley)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
556 Honour and happiness unite (William Cowper)LM
557   Blessèd are the sons of God (Joseph Humphreys)7 7. 7 7
see also Psalms: 31(1), 77(1), 77(2), 84(1), 84(2), 84(3), 84(4), 87(2), 89(1), 90(2), 137(1), 139(4)
558 How blest is life if lived for Thee (Prust’s Supplementary Hymnbook)LM
559 Loved with everlasting love (George Wade Robinson)7 7. 7 7. D
560 Thy ceaseless, unexhausted love (Charles Wesley)CM
561     O the deep, deep love of Jesus! (Samuel Trevor Francis)8 7. 8 7. D
562   Hark, my soul! it is the Lord (William Cowper)7 7. 7 7
563   Come, Thou Fount of every blessing (Robert Robinson)8 7. 8 7. D
564   There is a name I love to hear (Frederick Whitfield)CM
see also Psalms: 1(1), 1(2), 3, 23(1), 23(2), 23(3), 23(4), 23(5), 37(2), 41, 46(1), 46(2), 78(1), 84(2), 84(3), 84(4), 91(1), 91(2), 105, 111(1), 111(2), 114, 125, 129, 139(1), 146
565     Rejoice, believer, in the Lord (John Newton)CM
566   A sovereign protector I have (Augustus Montague Toplady)8 8. 8 8. D
567   With David’s Lord, and ours (John Kent)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
568   O Thou, the contrite sinner’s Friend (Charlotte Elliott)8 8 8. 6
569   I know not why God’s wondrous grace (Daniel Webster Whittle)CM, with refrain
570 Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding (John Kent)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
see also Psalms: 90(1), 90(2), 137(1), 140
571   Who shall the Lord’s elect condemn? (Isaac Watts)LM
572 Where God begins His gracious work (Albert Midlane)CM
573     O Lord, close to Thee we would cleave (Joseph Hart)8 8. 8 8
574   A debtor to mercy alone (Augustus Montague Toplady)8 8. 8 8
575   Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness (Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf)LM
576 Who shall condemn to endless flames (Benjamin Beddome)LM
577     From whence this fear and unbelief? (Augustus Montague Toplady)8 8 6. 8 8 6
CHRISTIAN PRIVILEGES − Communion with Jesus
see also Psalms: 63(1), 63(2)
578     Object of my first desire (Augustus Montague Toplady)7 7. 7 7. D
579   Jesus my Lord, my God, my All (Henry Collins)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
580   I could not do without Thee (Frances Ridley Havergal)7 6. 7 6. D
581   My best-belovèd keeps His throne (Isaac Watts)LM
582   Thou hidden Love of God, Whose height (Gerhard Tersteegen)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
583 O Jesus, Friend unfailing (Samuel Christian Gottfried Küster)7 6. 7 6. D
584     Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell (Isaac Watts)LM
585 It passes knowledge, that dear love of Thine (Mary Shekleton)10 10. 10 10. 4
586 O holy Saviour, Friend unseen (Charlotte Elliott)8 8 8. 6
587 My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine (Anon, London Hymn Book)11 11. 11 11
588   Who is this loved one in distress (Isaac Watts)LM
589   Emptied of earth I long to be (Augustus Montague Toplady)LM
590   I know that my Redeemer lives; what comfort (Samuel Medley)LM
591 O Love divine, how sweet Thou art! (Charles Wesley)8 8 6. 8 8 6
592 My Lord, my life, my love (Isaac Watts)SM
593     Jesus, Thy boundless love to me (Paul Gerhardt)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
594 O mean may seem this house of clay (Thomas Hornblower Gill)CM
595     I lift my heart to Thee (Charles Edward Mudie)6 4. 6 4. 10 10
596 The good I have is from Christ’s stores supplied (Henry Francis Lyte)10 10. 10 10. 10 10
see also Psalm: 38(3)
597 Often as death with solemn toll (John Newton)LM
598 There is an hour when I must part (Andrew Reed)CM
599 Abide with me: fast falls the eventide (Henry Francis Lyte)10 10. 10 10
600 Behold, the gloomy vale (Philip Doddridge)SM
601 Hark! a voice divides the sky (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7. D
602 One sweetly solemn thought (Phoebe Cary)6 6. 6 6
603 That awesome day will surely come (Isaac Watts)CM
604 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah (William Williams)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
605   Give me the wings of faith to rise (Isaac Watts)CM
606 The time is short ere all that live (Joseph Hoskins)LM
607 God of my life, through all my days (Philip Doddridge)LM
608   When this passing world is done (Robert Murray M’Cheyne)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
609 Why do we mourn departing friends (Isaac Watts)CM
610 (1) Now the Christian’s course is run (Version 1) (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7. D
610 (2) Now the Christian’s course is run (Version 2) (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7. D
611 Stand up! stand up for Jesus! (funerals) (George Duffield)7 6. 7 6. D
see also Psalm: 17(2)
612 Blest be the everlasting God (Isaac Watts)CM
613 We sing His love Who once was slain (Rowland Hill)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
614 I know that my Redeemer lives; this thought (John Williams)LM
THE CHRISTIAN’S FUTURE − Aspirations for Heaven
see also Psalms: 17(2), 24(1), 137(2)
615 My soul amid this stormy world (Robert Cleaver Chapman)CM
616   For ever with the Lord! (James Montgomery)DSM
617 There is a house not made with hands (Isaac Watts)CM
618   My rest is in Heaven, my rest is not here (Henry Francis Lyte)11 11. 11 11
619 Let me be with Thee where Thou art (Charlotte Elliott)LM
620 Descend from Heaven, Immortal Dove (Isaac Watts)LM
621     The sands of time are sinking (Anne Ross Cousin)7 6. 7 6. 7 6. 7 5
622 O for the robes of whiteness! (Charitee Lees Bancroft)7 6. 7 6
623 Now let our souls on wings sublime (Thomas Gibbons)LM
624   Leader of faithful souls, and Guide (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
625 O how I long to reach my home (Charlotte Elliott)CM
626 Far from these narrow scenes of night (Anne Steele)CM
627 O what has Jesus bought for me! (Charles Wesley)CM
628 There is a land of pure delight (Isaac Watts)CM
629 Jerusalem on high (Samuel Crossman)6 6. 6 6. 4 4. 4 4
630 Sweet place, sweet place alone (Samuel Crossman)6 6. 6 6. 4 4. 4 4
631 On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand (Samuel Stennett)CM
632 Lo, round the throne, a glorious band (Rowland Hill)LM
633 Away with our sorrow and fear! (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. D
634 O Paradise eternal! (Thomas Davis)7 6. 7 6
635 Who are these in bright array (James Montgomery)7 7. 7 7. D
636 How bright these glorious spirits shine! (Isaac Watts et al)CM
637 Brief life is here our portion (Bernard of Morlaix et al)7 6. 7 6. D
638 Jerusalem the golden (Bernard of Morlaix et al)7 6. 7 6. D
639 How soon! my God, my joys shall rise (Isaac Watts)CM
640 Jerusalem, my happy home (Joseph Bromehead)CM
641 Who are these arrayed in white (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7
THE CHURCH − and Christian Fellowship
see also Psalms: 26, 45(1), 45(2), 45(3), 45(4), 45(5), 48(1), 48(2), 52(1), 68, 80(1), 80(2), 84(2), 87(1), 87(2), 107(1), 114, 122(1), 132, 133(1), 133(2), 133(3), 147(1)
642 Triumphant Zion, lift your head (Philip Doddridge)LM
643 Lord, from Whom all blessings flow (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7. D
644   Blest be the tie that binds (John Fawcett)SM
645 We love Thy kingdom, Lord (Timothy Dwight)SM
646   Our friendship sanctify and guide (Charles Wesley)8 8 6. 8 8 6
647 Jesus, with Thy church abide (Thomas Benson Pollock)7 7. 7 7
648 How sweet, how heavenly is the sight (Joseph Swain)CM
649     Thou God of Truth and love (Charles Wesley)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
650 Zion stands by hills surrounded (Thomas Kelly)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
651   Jesus, Lord, we look to Thee (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7
652 How great and glorious is the place (Isaac Watts)CM
653 Partners of a glorious hope (Charles Wesley)7 7. 7 7. D
THE CHURCH − Ordinances − Baptism
654 New-born souls who taste salvation (John Fawcett)8 7. 8 7
655 Witness, all men and angels now (Benjamin Beddome)CM
656 Come, Holy Spirit, Dove divine (Adoniram Judson)LM
THE CHURCH − Ordinances − The Lord’s Supper
657 Jesus, we thus obey (Charles Wesley)SM
658 Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face (Horatius Bonar)10 10. 10 10
659 According to Thy gracious Word (James Montgomery)CM
660 Lord, in this blest and hallowed hour ( Josiah Conder)LM
661   He lovèd me, and gave Himself for me (Fergus Ferguson)10 10. 10 10
662 How sweet and awesome is the place (Isaac Watts)CM
663 Amidst us our Belovèd stands (Charles Haddon Spurgeon)LM
664 Jesus invites His saints (Isaac Watts)SM
665 By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored (George Rawson)8 8 8. 4
666 Sweet feast of love divine! (Edward Denny)SM
667 Jesus, Thou everlasting King (Isaac Watts)LM
668 Sit down beneath His shadow (Frances Ridley Havergal)7 6. 7 6
669 Jesus our Lord invites us here (Isaac Watts)CM
see also Psalms: 5, 118(3), 122(2)
670   Thou glorious Sun of Righteousness (Charlotte Elliott)LM
671   Come, let us with our Lord arise (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
672 Blest morning, whose first dawning rays (Isaac Watts)CM
673 This day, at Thy creating word (William Walsham How)LM
674   Awake, my soul, to God draw near (Thomas Ken)LM
675 Welcome, sweet day of rest (Isaac Watts et al)SM
676 Safely through another week (John Newton)7 7. 7 7. 7 7
677 Preserved by power divine (Charles Wesley)SM
678 O how blest the hour, Lord Jesus (Carl Johann Philipp Spitta)8 7. 8 7
679   To Thy temple I repair (James Montgomery)7 7. 7 7
680     Jesus, where’er Thy people meet (William Cowper)LM
681   My God, is any hour so sweet (Charlotte Elliott)8 8 8. 4
682 Speak to us, Lord, Thyself reveal (Charles Wesley)CM
683   Stand up and bless the Lord (James Montgomery)SM
684   Lo! God is here! let us adore (Gerhard Tersteegen)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
685 O praise our God today (Robert Walmsley)6 6 8. 6 6 8
686 In Thy name, O Lord, assembling (Thomas Kelly)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
687 Jesus, we look to Thee (Charles Wesley)SM
688 Light up this house with glory, Lord (John Harris)CM
689 We love the place, O God (William Bullock et al)6 6. 6 6
690 O Thou, the hope of Israel’s host (Philip Doddridge et al)LM
691 Great King of Zion, now (Benjamin Francis)6 6. 6 6. 8 8
692   From every stormy wind that blows (Hugh Stowell)LM
693 Behold the throne of grace! (John Newton)SM
694 Where two or three, with sweet accord (Samuel Stennett)LM
695 Lord, teach us how to pray aright (James Montgomery)CM
696   O God, Who didst Thy will unfold ( Josiah Conder)LM
697 Great Shepherd of Thy people, hear (John Newton)CM
698 What various hindrances we meet (William Cowper)LM
699   Our heavenly Father, hear (James Montgomery)SM
700 What a Friend we have in Jesus (Joseph Medlicott Scriven)8 7. 8 7. D
701   Jesus, Thou sovereign Lord of all (Charles Wesley)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
702 Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire (James Montgomery)CM
703 Sweetly our praise awakes (Charles Haddon Spurgeon)SM
704 Head of the Church and Lord of all (Joseph Tritton)LM
705 Lord, for our children we would plead (Thomas Hastings et al)CM
706 God of mercy, hear our prayer (Thomas Hastings)7 7. 7 7
707 These children, Lord, in faith and prayer (Thomas Haweis)CM
708 Praise, O praise our God and King (Henry Williams Baker)7 7. 7 7
709 Come, ye thankful people, come (Henry Alford)7 7. 7 7. D
710 Praise, O praise the Lord of harvest (James Hamilton)8 5. 8 3
711 Great God, we sing that mighty hand (Philip Doddridge)LM
712   Another year is dawning (Frances Ridley Havergal)7 6. 7 6
713     Come, let us anew (New Year) (Charles Wesley)5 5. 5 11
714 For Thy mercy and Thy grace (Henry Downton)7 7. 7 7
715 Standing at the portal (Frances Ridley Havergal)6 5. 6 5. D, with refrain
716 At Thy feet, our God and Father (James Drummond Burns)8 7. 8 7
717     The New Year, Lord, we welcome make (Thomas Hornblower Gill)CM
718 My helper God! I bless His name (Philip Doddridge)LM
719 Now through another year (John Newton)SM
see also Psalms: 127, 128
720 O perfect Love, all human thought transcending (Dorothy Frances Gurney)11 10. 11 10
721 Lord, Who at Cana didst appear (John Berridge)CM
722 O God, Who didst from Adam’s side ( Josiah Conder)8 8. 8 8. 8 8
723 O happy home, where Thou art loved the dearest (Carl Johann Philipp Spitta)11 10. 11 10
724 Ere I sleep, for every favour (John Cennick)8. 3 3. 6
725   At even, ere the sun was set ( Henry Twells)LM
726 All praise to Thee, my God, this night (Thomas Ken)LM
727 Another Sabbath ended (Thomas Vincent Tymms)7 6. 7 6. D
728 Through the day Thy love has spared us (Thomas Kelly)8 7. 8 7. 7 7
729   Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing (John Fawcett)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
730 And though our bodies part (Charles Wesley)SM
731 For a season called to part (John Newton)7 7. 7 7
732 Once more, before we part (Joseph Hart)SM
733 May the grace of Christ our Saviour (John Newton)8 7. 8 7
734 Grant us, Lord, some gracious token (Thomas Kelly et al)8 7. 8 7. 4 7
735 Blest be the dear uniting love (Charles Wesley)CM
736 Often the public means of grace (John Newton)8 8 6. 8 8 6
737 Now may the God of peace and love (Thomas Gibbons)CM
738   Now may He, Who from the dead (John Newton)7 7. 7 7